奇异期权(Exotic Options)是场外交易 (OTC),这意味着它们是由相关交易对手设计的,不能作为交易所交易合约使用。奇异期权包括具有比普通期权更复杂的定价和对冲功能的合约。通常会将市场价格的“隐含”波动性纳入到奇异期权的定价模型中。
- 这些期权合约具有时间不一样性;
- 在特定时间点的期权价值或greeks存在跳跃性;
- 在数值方案中的时间离散化问题。
香草期权有两个独立变量 S 和 t。弱路径依赖合约与其非路径依赖合约具有相同数量的维度,即障碍看涨期权与普通看涨期权具有相同的两个维度。
香草期权是一阶的。 它的收益仅取决于基础资产。更高阶期权的收益和价值取决于另一个期权的价值的期权。
二、 期权的定价
- 当有大量维度时,很好用;
- 对于偏微分方程方法难以建立的依赖路径的合约(即使是低维的),很有用;
- 某些模型(例如 HJM)是为蒙特卡罗构建的,不容易(或不可能)编写为 PDE。
亚式期权是奇异期权的一种。其收益取决于标的资产在到期前一段时间内的平均价值。它们具有很强的路径依赖性。它们在到期前的价值取决于所采取的路径。用于计算期权收益的平均值可以用多种不同的方式定义。例如,它可以是算术平均或几何平均。对期权数据可以使用连续采样,以便使用给定时期内的每个已实现资产价格。 更常见的是,出于实际和法律原因,数据通常是离散的采样。
今天我们尝试使用蒙特卡罗模拟的方法对亚式期权进行定价,并分析与观察。通过在风险中性随机游走下获取预期收益的现值来评估 Black–Scholes 中的期权。表达式如下:
dS = rS dt + σS dX
第 1 步:在风险中性世界中模拟标的资产可能的N条价格路径;
第 2 步:计算每个价格路径的期权收益;
第 3 步:计算所有路径的平均收益,并以此平均收益确定期权价格。
%matplotlib notebook # Importing libraries import pandas as pd from numpy import * import time from tabulate import tabulate # Libraries for plotting import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import cufflinks as cf cf.set_config_file(offline=True)
# Result set ResultList = [] # Asian Option ResultListLO = [] # Lookback Option # Set the label list when printing # Asian Option Header = ['S0', 'rate', 'sigma', 'T-t', 'n_sims', 'mc', 'CallValue', 'PutValue', 'RunTime'] # Lookback Option HeaderLO = ['S0', 'rate', 'sigma', 'T-t', 'n_sims', 'kinds', 'CallValue', 'PutValue'] # Todayís stock price S0 S0 = 100 # Strike E Se = 100 # Time to expiry (T - t) horizon = 1 # volatility sigma = 0.2 # constant risk-free interest rate r r = 0.05
def simulate_path(s0, mu, sigma, horizon, timesteps=252, n_sims=100000, mc_type=None, vr_type=None): # mc_type: Monte Carlo simulation method # vr_type: Variance reduction techniques # None: Do not use; # 'AV': antithetic variates. # Set the random seed for reproducibility # Same seed leads to the same set of random values random.seed(10000) # Read parameters S0 = s0 # initial spot level r = mu # mu = rf in risk neutral framework T = horizon # time horizion t = timesteps # number of time steps n = n_sims # number of simulation # Define dt dt = T/t # length of time interval # Simulating 'n' asset price paths with 't' timesteps S = zeros((t+1, n)) S[0] = S0 # antithetic variates if vr_type == "AV": Y = zeros((t+1, n)) Y[0] = S0 else: Y = arange(1) for i in range(1, t+1): z = random.standard_normal(n) # psuedo random numbers if mc_type == "EM": # Use the Euler-Maruyama S[i] = S[i-1] * (1 + r * dt + sigma * sqrt(dt) * z) if vr_type == "AV": # antithetic variates Y[i] = Y[i-1] * (1 + r * dt + sigma * sqrt(dt) * -z) else: S[i] = S[i-1] * exp((r - 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * dt + sigma * sqrt(dt) * z) # vectorized operation per timesteps if vr_type == "AV": # antithetic variates Y[i] = Y[i-1] * exp((r - 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * dt + sigma * sqrt(dt) * -z) return pd.DataFrame(S), pd.DataFrame(Y)
def asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, timesteps=252, n_sims=100000, mc_type=None, vr_type=None): # mc_type: Monte Carlo simulation method # vr_type: Variance reduction techniques # None: Do not use; # 'AV': antithetic variates. # start the timer time_start = time.time() # MC spath, ypath = simulate_path(S0, r, sigma, horizon, timesteps=timesteps, n_sims=n_sims, mc_type=mc_type, vr_type=vr_type) # Average price A1 = spath.mean(axis=0) # Calculate the discounted value of the expeced payoff C1 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(A1 - Se, 0)) P1 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(Se - A1, 0)) if vr_type == "AV": # Average price A2 = ypath.mean(axis=0) # Calculate the discounted value of the expeced payoff C2 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(A2 - Se, 0)) C0 = (C1+C2)/2 P2 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(Se - A2, 0)) P0 = (P1+P2)/2 else: C0 = C1 P0 = P1 # Calculate running time time_run = time.time() - time_start # Add calculation results to the list ResultList.append([S0, r, sigma, horizon, n_sims, mc_type, C0, P0, time_run]) return spath, ypath
# Default method and no variance reduction scheme spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=100000, vr_type=None) # Show the simulation path with graphs spath.iloc[:,:200].iplot(xTitle='Time Steps', yTitle='Index Levels', title='Simulated Geometric Brownian Motion Paths')
# Histogram of Simulated Paths # Plot the histogram of the simulated price path at maturity spath.iloc[-1].iplot(kind='histogram', bins=100, title= 'Histogram of Simulated Paths')
# Euler-Maruyama and no variance reduction scheme spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=100000, vr_type=None) # Show the simulation path with graphs spath.iloc[:,:200].iplot(xTitle='Time Steps', yTitle='Index Levels', title='Simulated Geometric Brownian Motion Paths (Euler-Maruyama)')
# Euler-Maruyama and use antithetic variates to reduce variance spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=100000, vr_type='AV') # Graphically show the simulation path in the positive direction spath.iloc[:,:200].iplot(xTitle='Time Steps', yTitle='Index Levels', title='Simulated Geometric Brownian Motion Paths (Euler-Maruyama and antithetic variates) +')
# Graphically show the reverse simulation path ypath.iloc[:,:200].iplot(xTitle='Time Steps', yTitle='Index Levels', title='Simulated Geometric Brownian Motion Paths (Euler-Maruyama and antithetic variates) -')
# The last one is to use antithetic variates to reduce variance. print(tabulate(ResultList,Header))
可以看出,在同样进行100K 次模拟的情况下,得出的Call Value和Put Value相差不大,在运行时间略有差别,再继续观察更多的场景。
ResultList = [] spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=10000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=50000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=100000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=200000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=500000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=1000000, vr_type=None)
spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=10000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=50000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=100000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=500000, vr_type=None) spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=1000000, vr_type=None)
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultList,Header))
a. 从精度对比分析来看,看涨期权价值(Call Value)和看跌期权价值(Put Value)的结果,两者相差很小,结果高度相似。
b. 模拟次数越大,看涨期权价值(Call Value)和看跌期权价值(Put Value)越趋向平滑。
# A chart comparing the Call Option Value of two simulations of Asian options outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata2 = column_stack((outdata[0:6][['n_sims', 'CallValue']].values, outdata[6:12][['CallValue']].values)) outdata2 = pd.DataFrame(outdata2, columns=['n_sims', 'CallValue', 'CallValue_EM']) outdata2.iplot(x='n_sims', y=['CallValue','CallValue_EM'], xTitle='n_sims', yTitle='Call Option Value', title='Comparison of two simulation results of Asian options')
# A chart comparing the Put Option Value of two simulations of Asian options outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata2 = column_stack((outdata[0:6][['n_sims', 'PutValue']].values, outdata[6:12][['PutValue']].values)) outdata2 = pd.DataFrame(outdata2, columns=['n_sims', 'PutValue', 'PutValue_EM']) outdata2.iplot(x='n_sims', y=['PutValue','PutValue_EM'], xTitle='n_sims', yTitle='Put Option Value', title='Comparison of two simulation results of Asian options')
结合上面这组数据,当 10k 到 20K 模拟时估计值有很大提高,使用 500K 模拟时估计改进趋于稳定。同时我们也要考虑模拟的时间,在时间与精度之间找到一个平衡点。
5.2 观察使用减少方差方案时,模拟次数的不同对定价结果的影响
ResultList1 = ResultList.copy() ResultList = [] spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=5000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=10000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=50000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=100000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type=None, n_sims=500000, vr_type='AV')
spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=5000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=10000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=50000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=100000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=500000, vr_type='AV')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultList,Header))
# A chart comparing the Call Option Value of two simulations of Asian options outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata2 = column_stack((outdata[0:6][['n_sims', 'CallValue']].values, outdata[6:12][['CallValue']].values)) outdata2 = pd.DataFrame(outdata2, columns=['n_sims', 'CallValue', 'CallValue_EM']) outdata2.iplot(x='n_sims', y=['CallValue','CallValue_EM'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='n_sims', yTitle='Call Option Value', title='Comparison of two simulation results of Asian options')
# A chart comparing the Put Option Value of two simulations of Asian options outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata2 = column_stack((outdata[0:6][['n_sims', 'PutValue']].values, outdata[6:12][['PutValue']].values)) outdata2 = pd.DataFrame(outdata2, columns=['n_sims', 'PutValue', 'PutValue_EM']) outdata2.iplot(x='n_sims', y=['PutValue','PutValue_EM'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='n_sims', yTitle='Put Option Value', title='Comparison of two simulation results of Asian options')
5.3 对比以上不同方案运行的时间
# A chart Comparison of the running time of the two simulation methods outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList1, columns=Header) outdata2 = column_stack((outdata[0:6][['n_sims', 'RunTime']].values, outdata[6:12][['RunTime']].values)) outdata2 = pd.DataFrame(outdata2, columns=['n_sims', 'RunTime', 'RunTime_EM']) outdata2.iplot(x='n_sims', y=['RunTime', 'RunTime_EM'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='n_sims', yTitle='Run Time', title='Comparison of the running time of the two simulation methods 1')
# A chart Comparison of the running time of the two simulation methods outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata2 = column_stack((outdata[0:6][['n_sims', 'RunTime']].values, outdata[6:12][['RunTime']].values)) outdata2 = pd.DataFrame(outdata2, columns=['n_sims', 'RunTime', 'RunTime_EM']) outdata2.iplot(x='n_sims', y=['RunTime', 'RunTime_EM'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='n_sims', yTitle='Run Time', title='Comparison of the running time of the two simulation methods 2')
# Comparison chart of running time and accuracy of the four schemes outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata1 = pd.DataFrame(ResultList1, columns=Header) plt.figure(num=3,figsize=(15,10)) plt.plot(outdata[0:6][['RunTime']], outdata[0:6][['CallValue']], color='red', linewidth=1, label="Default") plt.plot(outdata[6:12][['RunTime']], outdata[6:12][['CallValue']], color='gold', linewidth=1, label="EM") plt.plot(outdata1[0:6][['RunTime']], outdata1[0:6][['CallValue']], color='green', linewidth=1, label="default AV") plt.plot(outdata1[6:12][['RunTime']], outdata1[6:12][['CallValue']], color='blue', linewidth=1, label="EM AV") plt.xlabel('Run Time') plt.ylabel('Call Option Value') plt.title('Time and OptionValue') plt.show()
5.4 不同波动率的影响
分析不同波动率的影响,假设有 6 种不同的波动率,比较模拟路径和结果。
ResultList = [] spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, 0.15, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, 0.2, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, 0.25, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, 0.3, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, 0.35, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV') spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, 0.5, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultList,Header))
# Chart of changes in volatility and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata[['sigma', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='sigma', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', title='Volatility and changes in option value', xTitle='sigma', yTitle='Option Value')
5.5 时间变化的影响
# Calculated according to the time of each quarter ResultList = [] for i in arange(1, -0.001, -0.25): spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, i, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultList,Header))
# Chart of changes in volatility and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata[['T-t', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='T-t', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='horizon', yTitle='Option Value', title='Time and changes in option value')
5.6 无风险利率对期权价值的影响
# Different risk-free interest rates to calculate option value ResultList = [] for i in arange(-0.02, 0.06, 0.01): spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, i, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultList,Header))
# Chart of Risk-free interest rate and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata[['rate', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='rate', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='rate', yTitle='Option Value', title='Risk-free interest rate and option value')
在其他参数不变的前提下,当无风险利率上升时,PUT 期权价值下降。 当无风险利率增加时,看涨期权价值增加。看跌期权和看涨期权在零处交叉。
5.7 观察不同的初始标的资产价格
# Different risk-free interest rates to calculate option value ResultList = [] for i in arange(0, 200, 10): spath, ypath = asin_option(i, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultList,Header))
# Chart of Risk-free interest rate and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultList, columns=Header) outdata[['S0', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='S0', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='S0', yTitle='Option Value', title='S0 and option value')
def lookback_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, timesteps=252, n_sims=100000, mc_type=None, vr_type=None, lo_type='FLOATING'): # mc_type: Monte Carlo simulation method # vr_type: Variance reduction techniques # None: Do not use; # 'AV': antithetic variates. # lo_type: Lookback Option type # 'FLOATING': with floating strike. # ‘FIXED’: with fixed strike. # start the timer time_start = time.time() # MC spath, ypath = simulate_path(S0, r, sigma, horizon, timesteps=timesteps, n_sims=n_sims, mc_type=mc_type, vr_type=vr_type) # max price and min price max_s = spath.max(axis=0) min_s = spath.min(axis=0) # Calculate the discounted value of the expeced payoff if lo_type == "FIXED": # With fixed strike C1 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(max_s - Se, 0)) P1 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(Se - min_s, 0)) else: # With floating strike C1 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(spath.iloc[-1] - min_s, 0)) P1 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(max_s - spath.iloc[-1], 0)) if vr_type == "AV": # Average price max_y = spath.max(axis=0) min_y = spath.min(axis=0) # Calculate the discounted value of the expeced payoff if lo_type == "FIXED": # With fixed strike C2 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(max_y - Se, 0)) P2 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(Se - min_y, 0)) else: # With floating strike C2 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(ypath.iloc[-1] - min_y, 0)) P2 = exp(-r*horizon) * mean(maximum(max_y - ypath.iloc[-1], 0)) C0 = (C1+C2)/2 P0 = (P1+P2)/2 else: C0 = C1 P0 = P1 # Calculate running time time_run = time.time() - time_start # Add calculation results to the list ResultListLO.append([S0, r, sigma, horizon, n_sims, lo_type, C0, P0]) return spath, ypath
# Calculate the discounted value of the expeced payoff spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FLOATING') # Print the values (FLOATING) print(tabulate(ResultListLO, HeaderLO))
# Plot the histogram of the simulated price path at maturity spath.iloc[-1].iplot(kind='histogram', bins=100, title= 'Histogram of Simulated Paths(With floating strike of Lookback Option)')
# Plot simulated price paths spath.iloc[:,:200].iplot(xTitle='Time Steps', yTitle='Index Levels', title='Simulated Geometric Brownian Motion Paths(With floating strike of Lookback Option)')
# Calculate the discounted value of the expeced payoff spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FIXED') # Print the values(FIXED) print(tabulate(ResultListLO[-1:], HeaderLO))
# Plot the histogram of the simulated price path at maturity spath.iloc[-1].iplot(kind='histogram',bins=100, title= 'Histogram of Simulated Paths(With fixed strike of Lookback Option)')
# Plot simulated price paths spath.iloc[:,:200].iplot(xTitle='Time Steps', yTitle='Index Levels', title='Simulated Geometric Brownian Motion Paths(With fixed strike of Lookback Option)')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO, HeaderLO))
6.2 不同波动率的影响:
假设有 6 种不同的波动率,比较模拟路径和结果。
a、 带有浮动回望期权:
ResultListLO = [] for i in arange(0.15, 0.51, 0.05): spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, r, i, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FLOATING')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO, HeaderLO))
# Chart of changes in volatility and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultListLO, columns=HeaderLO) outdata[['sigma', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='sigma', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='sigma', yTitle='Option Value', title='Volatility and changes in option value(FLOATING)')
ResultListLO = [] for i in arange(0.05, 0.51, 0.05): spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, r, i, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FIXED')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO, HeaderLO))
# Chart of changes in volatility and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultListLO, columns=HeaderLO) outdata[['sigma', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='sigma', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='sigma', yTitle='Option Value', title='Volatility and changes in option value(FIXED)')
# Calculated according to the time of each quarter ResultListLO = [] for i in arange(1, -0.001, -0.25): spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, r, sigma, i, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FLOATING')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO,HeaderLO))
# Chart of changes in volatility and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultListLO, columns=HeaderLO) outdata[['T-t', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='T-t', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='horizon', yTitle='Option Value', title='Time and changes in option value(FLOATING)')
# Calculated according to the time of each quarter ResultListLO = [] for i in arange(1, -0.001, -0.25): spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, r, sigma, i, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FIXED')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO,HeaderLO))
# Chart of changes in volatility and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultListLO, columns=HeaderLO) outdata[['T-t', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='T-t', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='horizon', yTitle='Option Value', title='Time and changes in option value(FIXED)')
# Different risk-free interest rates to calculate option value ResultListLO = [] for i in arange(-0.02, 0.06, 0.01): spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, i, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FLOATING')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO,HeaderLO))
# Chart of Risk-free interest rate and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultListLO, columns=HeaderLO) outdata[['rate', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='rate', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='rate', yTitle='Option Value', title='Risk-free interest rate and option value(FLOATING)')
# Different risk-free interest rates to calculate option value ResultListLO = [] for i in arange(-0.02, 0.06, 0.01): spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, i, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FIXED')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO,HeaderLO))
# Chart of Risk-free interest rate and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultListLO, columns=HeaderLO) outdata[['rate', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='rate', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='rate', yTitle='Option Value', title='Risk-free interest rate and option value(FIXED)')
6.5 观察不同的 S0
# Different risk-free interest rates to calculate option value ResultListLO = [] for i in arange(0, 200, 10): spath, ypath = lookback_option(i, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FLOATING')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO, HeaderLO))
# Chart of Risk-free interest rate and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultListLO, columns=HeaderLO) outdata[['S0', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='S0', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='S0', yTitle='Option Value', title='S0 and option value(FLOATING)')
b、 固定回望期权:
# Different risk-free interest rates to calculate option value ResultListLO = [] for i in arange(0, 200, 10): spath, ypath = lookback_option(i, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FIXED')
# Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO, HeaderLO))
# Chart of Risk-free interest rate and option value outdata = pd.DataFrame(ResultListLO, columns=HeaderLO) outdata[['S0', 'CallValue','PutValue']].iplot(x='S0', y=['CallValue', 'PutValue'], mode='lines+markers', xTitle='S0', yTitle='Option Value', title='S0 and option value(FIXED)')
# Asian Option ResultList = [] spath, ypath = asin_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV') # Print the values print(tabulate(ResultList, Header))
# Lookback Option (FLOATING) ResultListLO = [] spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FLOATING') # Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO, HeaderLO))
# Lookback Option (FIXED) ResultListLO = [] spath, ypath = lookback_option(S0, r, sigma, horizon, mc_type='EM', n_sims=200000, vr_type='AV', lo_type='FIXED') # Print the values print(tabulate(ResultListLO, HeaderLO))